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The Four Winds Celtic Knot
KelticDead Music
initiative uses an ancient Celtic knot design
as its logo. It is often referred to as the “
Four Winds of Life
Upon examination one sees that this Celtic knot has a continuous
flow around a center space (or a dot). Each "direction" of the path
around the center represents forces (or winds) that are aspects of
the four "elemental" powers that exist in our universe, and each
path affects us continuously throughout our lives. In the symbol we
are the purple dot located in the center of the design.
This continuous knot design is believed to be the oldest Celtic knot
known, and some folk estimate that the origins of the design may
have come before the Sumerian and Tartarian civilizations. It is also
the most powerful Celtic knot design in what it represents for each
us as we journey through life ... and beyond.
The four "elements" are generally described as “gases (or Air),"
“liquids (or Water)," "solids (or Earth)," and “energy (or Fire)." The
four directions or "ayrts" (also spelled as "airts“ and means “4 points
of a compass”) can be described as being directions for forward and
behind, or to our left and to our right. They can also
represent what
is above and below, or to our future and to our past. The symbol
can represent those things in which we can understand, and those
things for which we cannot.
Some have mistakenly described this symbol as a "Celtic cross,"
and while it has a similar basis for what the cross stands for in a
spiritual sense, it is far more than that. The Celts have long shown
this symbol on their bodies by crossing a hand over their heart with
their fingers to their head, to their middle (or core), to their left arm,
and then to their right arm. The center of the symbol is the "fifth"
element which is our heart and represents us.
The green color of the paths represents and honors all those who
have died to make our lives possible, and the purple dot is the
compliment color of green which is also the color most often used
by royalty. Many in the Celtic cultures refer to this knot as a
"navigation" symbol, and I use it in my salute for all my endeavors.
This phrase is ...
To the Four Airts to Guide Us; and
For the Four Winds to get us there.
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