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Shaun, That KelticDead Guy
During this time, he became
involved in writing the stories
about the folk tunes he found
and developed the concept
into an on-line, audio-visual,
music-education initiative.
With help from his music
friends, he learned how to
create the folk music into
“simple” eight bar formats that
is typically used in the Celtic
and Folk music genre.
He wanted the “Broadsides” to
be useful for other folk
musicians and groups to see
Patrick O.(Shaun) Young
and hear the selections being
"That KelticDead Guy," finds,
played with real, live acoustic
arranges and plays tunes and
instruments. In addition, he
songs from Celtic, Folk,
Americana, Old Time, and Sea
Faring sources found
throughout the world. Born in
knew that simply playing the
tunes and songs would be
lacking if they did not have the
“background” stories to go with
1952, he comes out of a
Scots-Irish-Welsh family in
Texas where he has always
had an interest in playing folk
After his retirement, he created
KelticDead Music
tunes using six-hole whistles,
where he could freely share
diatonic harmonicas, and he
these Broadsides with others.
recently developed a fondness
As a storyteller and audio-
for playing the bodhran and
visual specialist, he began to
the Irish-tuned, low-octave
assemble these music-stories
into a collection, and with help
from his musician friends, the
mandolin (aka “the Irish
music and the selections
After coming out of the United
began to improved.
States Marine Corps he
traveled extensively as a Web-
Recently, with new
based, Technical Instructor
technologies and software,
and Systems Engineer. He
Shaun is now able to create
these packages in high quality,
HTML based views with links
that can be accessed on both
finally settled back in Texas
with his family and got
connected with Irish and Folk
music groups in the Dallas-
desktop computers and on I-
Fort Worth area. That was
phones and Smartphones.
where he made good friends
with other folk musicians with
whom he still works in creating
KelticDead Folk Music
Shaun is also working in close
support with
Simply Folk
Music Magazine
in Europe to
help others know more about
the music and the stories
about them and to have fun in
playing them if they want.
It’s all free, and it’s all fun.
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