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Banks of the Pontchartrain
KDM Broadside Continued …
The subject of race in the song was not meant
to be denigrating in any way. When our
traveler mentioned his falling in love with a
dark “Creole” girl it was with great respect for
The term “
” was actually developed in
France and Spain as the white populations
mixed with the blacks and others from north
Africa. This mix race was quite common in the
French dominant areas in Louisiana as well,
and creole women were considered to be
quite handsome and desirable.
Made public image from internet sources
showing various creole women and children
from the south.
The folk song is classified as an “Americana” and “seafaring” song, as it related to the
creole girl having a lover who was far out at sea. The folk tune was very popular by
sailors traveling to and from the Americas.
The language in the lyrics mentioned
“Bonny girl” and that may indicate the
traveler was Scots or possibly from Ireland.
As with many folk tunes and songs shared
by differing cultures the melody and song
quickly morphed in England, Scotland, and
Ireland with a theme about a man who fell
in love with a young girl, but her love was
fickle, and she betrayed him with another
A woman watching a ship in the distance. Made
public image of a painting by Daniel Eskridge.
The new variant became known as “
Lily of the West
” or “
Molly-O, Lily of the West
In that variant, the young man killed his rival, but was let off by a “technicality,” and he
lived to tell the story. The new variant came back into America in around the 1870s,
into the Louisville, Kentucky area, and became known as “
,” or “
Flora, Lily of
the West
.” In that Kentucky variant, the man was hung.
“Shaun, That KelticDead Guy”
Patrick O. Young, KelticDead Music
KelticDead Music
Made public image of painting by Brozik Vaclav
(Czech, 1851 – 1901).
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