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Saint Anne’s Reel
As for Saint Anne being the mother of the Virgin Mary, many generally believe that
Anne and her husband, Joachim, are grandparents. There is a feast held on July 26
concerning this relationship with Jesus and the other seven children by Mary,
though there is very little mention of this relationship in the New Testament.
There is a story of the barren Hannah and about her conception by the prophet
Samuel (Samuel 1:1) which is found in the 2
Century Protevangelium of James
(First Gospel of James) as well as the 3
Century Evangelium de Nativitate Mariare
(Gospel of the Nativity of Mary).
According to these “non-scriptural”
sources, Anne (or Hannah) was born in
Bethlehem in Judaea. She and her
husband, Joachim, shared a wealthy and
devout life at Nazareth, but she grieved
the fact that she could not conceive a
Anne promised God that she would
dedicate her firstborn child into the Lord’s
service, and soon afterwards, she and
her husband received a vision by an
angel, who announced that Anne would
conceive and bear a most wonderous
Spanish painting of Saint Anne of
Joachim with her daughter Mary.
child and she would be called Mary.
When the child was three years old, both Joachim and Anne brought Mary to the
Temple of Jerusalem, where Mary became the charge of the Temple. Mary was
brought up in holy service to God. Mary was considered to be in God’s grace and
therefore, without sin. These were important concepts in the Christian faith for
establishing the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (celebrated on September 8
) within the
concept of the
Immaculate Conception
While the conception of Jesus Christ is one
without the stain of sin, the Immaculate
Conception is a doctrine within the Roman
Catholic Church that has been described by
Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, on December
1854 as “
The blessed Virgin Mary to have
been, from the first instant of her conception,
by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty
God, in view of the merits of Christ Jesus the
Savior of Mankind, preserved free from all
stain of original sin.
” The Eastern Orthodox
Church does not hold to the doctrine of the
Immaculate Conception, although they do
Saint Anne, Mary, and Child. A made
consider Mary to be “all holy,” and she never
public panel painting.
“committed” a sin.
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