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Shady Grove
KDM Broadside Continued …
Understanding some of the
history and the sort of people
who sang the tune, helps in
not only singing it, but also in
playing it.
KDM Traditional Lyrics chosen for
music project arrangement …
Shady Grove, my little love,
Shady Grove, I say.
Shady Grove, my sweet dove,
I’m bound to go away.
Many of the settlers in the
Appalachian regions of the
United States went there after
being forced out of Scotland
and Ireland after the
Cheeks are red as a bloomin’ rose
Eyes a pretty brown.
A Darlin’ girl who won my heart.
The Sweetest girl in town.
Jacobite Wars
” in the
1700s. The Jacobite rebels
tried to re-instate the Catholic
presence for all of Great
Britain for an heir to the
Peaches in the summertime;
Apples in the fall.
English throne that came from
the Stuart line from
Queen of Scots
, rather than
from out of the Tutor line from
King Henry VIII
Elizabeth I
who favored
Protestants within the Church
of England. The Jacobites lost
the wars, and after the wars,
anyone who even hinted at
being a Jacobite was either
put to death or exiled. The
“Highlander” way of life
If I can’t have little Shady Grove,
I don’t want none at all.
When I was a little boy,
I wanted a Barlow knife.
Now all I want is Shady Grove
To say she’ll be my wife.
A sweet kiss from Shady Grove
Is sweet as Brandy Wine
There ain’t no girl in this old world
As pretty and sweet as mine.
essentially ended for a time in
Appalachian folk are
extremely proud of their
historical roots, and they are
resilient. During the American
Revolution, the British forces
would give a wide berth in
fighting these residents,
because the Appalachian folk
would fight to the death,
knowing they would have no
quarter with the British if
Went to see my Shady Grove
A standin’ in the door
With shoes and stockin’s in her hand;
Her bare feet on the floor.
Some come here to fiddle and dance.
Some come here to tarry.
Some come here to fiddle and dance,
But I came here to marry.
Continued …
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