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Herr Mannelig
Giants and Trolls were part of
the northern European
mythologies, and even in those
areas their stories were
influenced by tales of Tartarian
giants with whom mankind
interacted. Like the story of
Troy, there may be some truth
in the stories, for even in the
Bible David faced the giant
Made public image of men facing giants.
In the Scandinavian countries, the
tales about trolls had similar
interactions with men with some being
benign and friendly, and others quite
violent. For the most part Trolls in
many parts of the northern European
countries were personified as
Over time the stories about trolls
shifted from fierce warriors into
woodland creatures who would try to
tempt men to gain their souls. This
theme became even more prevalent
as Christianity moved into Northern
Europe in the 3
and 4
The story of “
Herr Mannelig
” (Sir Mann(e) Lie) is about a young
warrior who is confronted by a “female” troll early in the morning, and
she wants to “marry” him. This temptation theme is an old one
stemming from out of Asia and India which had a strong influence in
the Scandinavian cultures. The name of the song itself means “
or Sir Man Kind
Made public image of a knight being tempted by a troll.
Continued …
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